5 Year Alim Course

Darul Uloom Abu Hanifah offers a 5 Year Alim Course for serious students who, in addition to learning the translation and commentary of the entire Qur’an, wish to learn classical Arabic and study Arabic texts of tafsir, hadith, fiqh, usul, and other disciplines that have been traditionally taught in the Alim course. This course is a two part program. Admission is initially offered into the first part, which lasts 3 years. Based on academic achievement, commitment, and dedication to spiritual development, students will be selected for admission into the second part, which lasts 2 additional years.

Subjects Taught:

Islamic Law
Islamic Jurisprudence
Arabic Language and Grammar

The  5 Year Alim Course is principally designed for students who wish to study the Islamic sciences in-depth, attain reading fluency in classical Arabic, and are motivated to commit about 9 hours per week.

A group of designated Islamic scholars have designed the curriculum to suit the schedules of even the busiest students. Imagine studying the Alim Course Urdu in the traditional way right from your home under highly educated and designated scholars of Islam. Imagine joining them through live video conferencing and being among those who followed the command of the Prophet (PBUH): one who is present must convey (the knowledge) to one who is absent.
Although the content of this course is based on the full-time residential degree, the level achieved is not the same. But it is much more than any other part-time alimiyyah degree and even some full-time degrees.

The aim of the Alim curriculum is to produce Ulama (scholars) and leaders who are competent in the Islamic sciences such as Tafsir and Hadith possessing the professional skills necessary to serve, guide and lead the Muslim community with excellence. In addition to imparting knowledge and skills, the curriculum, and the environment within which it is taught is designed to produce scholars whose scholarship is marked by tradition, intelligence, piety, responsibility, and generosity of spirit, ensuring that we are not simply producing academics and professionals seeking a career but are reproducing the selfless spirit that has always been so characteristic of Islamic scholarship.

The program covers the traditional curriculum of the ‘Alim course’, and provides a firm and broad basis in all of the main disciplines of classical Islamic scholarship: Arabic language and its various sciences, Commentary of the entire Qur’an, Hadith, Islamic Law (Fiqh), Principles of Legal Methodology (Usul al-Fiqh), Beliefs (Aqeedah), Seerah, Shamail, Contemporary Issues, and Islamic Spirituality.

Students will be moved slowly to Arabic reading fluency so that they can study the different disciplines in the language of the scholars. This will typically involve covering various classical Arabic manuals in each Islamic discipline, thereby giving students a taste of the rich academic tradition.

Contact us about the details of this course.

13 thoughts on “<span class="hpt_headertitle">5 Year Alim Course Urdu</span>

  1. اسلام علیکم میں حافظ قران ہوں عالم بننا چاہتا ہوں کیا میرا داخلہ ہو سکتا ہے

  2. السلام علیکم جی میں حافظ قرآن ہو اور قرات بھی پڑی ہے میں عالمیت پڑنا چہتاہوں

    1. جی کر سکتے ہیں۔

      آپ کس ملک میں رہتے ہیں؟

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